How KFTD Prevents Corruption and Bribery to Uphold Corporate Integrity

Corporate integrity is a value that PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) holds strongly in all its business activities. KFTD, as part of Kimia Farma Group,  demonstrates this by preventing corruption and bribery through a dedicated management system. It is also a strategy to uphold the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles, which are vital for the company.

Management System to Maintain a Clean Work Environment

KFTD’s integrity is upheld through SMAP, or Sistem Manajemen Anti-Penyuapan (Anti-Bribery Management System). Designed as a realization of the GCG, SMAP is integrated into all vital departments to ensure a clean and healthy work environment.

With SMAP, KFTD makes it easier for employees and leaders of all levels to report any misconduct, especially related to corruption and bribery. Every whistleblower can report to a dedicated channel, ensuring anonymity. They can also report directly using a downloaded form or an email with scanned images of the proofs.

This management system also involves internal auditing and evaluation. By constantly reviewing the effectiveness of the program, KFTD makes sure that the system works perfectly to reduce the risks of corruption and bribery.

How KFTD Creates a Clean Work Environment

KFTD applies its GCG principles through a special unit that handles reports of corruption and bribery. Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG) monitors and responds to all reports about misconduct related to corruption.

UPG creates easy, straightforward steps to report any acts of bribery and corruption. Through a direct report or email at [email protected], all whistleblowers can send a report form alongside documented proof. The unit will respond immediately by conducting document research, cross-checking, and interviews. A quick and thorough response shows the company’s commitment to ensuring the integrity of the workplace.

Maintaining a clean work environment with a high level of integrity is important for the company’s performance. Through its special management system and response unit, KFTD strives to maintain the trust of the public and stakeholders. Applying GCG principles ensures that KFTD always has a positive performance perception among the public and customers.